Every day tips

CEAR Non-Stick Ice Cubes

I find that refilling the ice cube trays with warm or hot water gives us clear ice cubes. They also tend to freeze quicker, and do not stick in the tray as much, making removal much easie

 Bed Sheets

After drying my sheets, I put both sheets and one pillowcase in the other pillow case. Fold neatly in a square. Next time I change sheets, I just take the one pillow case and all the sheets and pillow case are inside. No need to look for matches.

 Shiny Shower Doors

 Try rubbing baby oil or shaving cream on your clean shower doors to keep them shiny and fog free. Shaving cream can also be used to remove built up soap scum on shower doors, walls and fixtures. Did You Know: Using car wax on shower walls and tiles helps prevent hard water deposit buildup and spots? Don’t wax a bathtub or shower floor though as it makes things too slippery and can cause injury.


Stain Removers

I put a little Oxy-clean on a stain, let it sit, then gently scrub with a toothbrush and a little water. Wash as usual after you treat the stain. The stains come out every time!